Finding your own unique positive ways to motivate yourself is a wonderful attribute and is worth cultivating.
Here are some ways that you can initiate conversation such that those problems are not left unsaid and the arms that can comfort you are not pushed away.
Some tips that can be helpful to you if you are struggling with making the most of your online classes.
If you ask me about my journey through IIT-B, it has been marked with a mix of almost every feeling I have ever experienced
Stress is an emotion which is generally accompanied with anxiety, and is naturally present within all of us in some proportion. It helps us to be positive, which in turn determines our happiness levels.
There is no particular template of success that your life needs to fit; and hence no particular notion of success that you need to adhere to.
“LGBTQ life on campus has undergone a drastic change for the better since my first time there 30 years ago. Now there is Saathi, which just got sanctioned as an official gymkhana body.”
“Trying to dismiss the problems certainly does not help, at least it didn’t help me - it made things even worse. What was useful to me was to realise that I need to change my ways, to talk frankly to my parents about how I was really doing and to find other avenues of interest to explore.”