On average it can take up to _______ for a person who has experienced an angry state of arousal to calm, to move from functioning from the emotional area to the thinking area of the brain
Researchers have linked _______ to a number of health problems, including irritability and anger.
Deepti believes that she’s been hired because of her achievements, qualifications, and excellent interview. For a previous opening she didn’t receive an offer for, she says the interviewer didn’t like her. This distortion in thinking is called _______ bias
(A self-serving bias is any cognitive or perceptual process that is distorted by the need to maintain and enhance self-esteem, or the tendency to perceive oneself in an overly favorable manner.)
Sunil’s professor scolds him in front of the whole class, Sunil feels humiliated and thus angry but he cannot say anything back to the professor. In the evening, Sunil’s mother calls to ask about him and he screams at her on the phone saying she asks too many questions. Sunil is using the following defense mechanism:
(Displacement is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person redirects a negative emotion from its original source to a less threatening recipient that is less likely to come with repercussions.)
_______ means discharging negative emotions to relieve intense anxiety, stress, anger, or fear. This has an emotional aspect (strong emotional expression and processing) and the cognitive aspect (insight, new realization, and the unconscious becoming consciousness) and as a result - positive change. This can be done through exercise, music, punching a bag, art etc.
The _______ represents the idea that, although anger is displayed outwardly, other emotions may be hidden beneath the surface. These hidden emotions could be for example– fear, guilt, hopelessness, disappointment – which a person may not be able to manage effectively and they may express themselves as anger
Anger management requires us to manage our own emotions and guide our behavior and thinking. It also requires us to recognize, understand, and manage emotions of other people. This is an important aspect of:
Apart from being aggressive towards another person, anger can also take the form of sarcasm, spreading rumours, ignoring or avoiding the other person, insulting the other person – even these behaviours can disrupt healthy relationships.